Media Advocacy

Reaching the right person matters!

Target your media pitch to outlets that focus on what’s important to you. Your message matters and getting it to the right media professional is half the battle. Choose phone or email, but rest assured, you will get access to key personnel and letters-to-the-editor contacts. Broadcast a strong message with industry professionals your supporters trust.

Locate key media outlet demographics and plan a message for the exact audience you want to reach. Find the media channel or delivery method that suits your mission. Organize contacts based on local and regional resources and get your story or press release covered. If your message takes on a global approach, find an international audience with access to foreign press outlets.

Influence voters with announcements and special reports from media sources they count on. Access vital information for over 20,0000 media contacts from newspaper, magazine, radio, television, and digital media with easy search features. Transmit your next message through channels that get you seen and heard!

Row of cameras ready to take pictures


Constituency served, party, current posts, electoral history, parliamentary career, past committees, and political interests


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Our government email database allows you to filter your list based on government sector, position or title, location, or other data you need to meet your list requirements