State Legislators Data Service


State Legislators Data Service offers comprehensive data on all 7,552 state legislators, their leadership assignments, committees, and legislative staff - all the data government relations professionals, developers, and IT staff need to populate or build a state government affairs solution. Users can scale to multiple service levels and delivery options to meet any need – large or small.

Features and Benefits:

  • Contact information for each state legislator, staff, committees, and leadership offices
  • Address, phone, fax, email, and social media URLs
  • Legislator color photographs and biographies including educational, professional, and personal details
  • Staffer e-mails and titles
  • Most cost effective way for you to keep your state legislator data current with hundreds of monthly changes 
  • Seamlessly integrates with KnowWho’s photograph, ZIP code, bills, and votes data files
  • Congressional, federal executive, state executive, county, and municipal data also available